- Kitchen bathroom
- linings
- tables
- countertops
- Polished
- Stain resistance.
- Acid Resistance.
- Scratch resistance.
- Apparent density: 2360 kg / m3
- Water absorption P. At.N.: 0,1%
- Flexural strength: 44,8 MPa
- Slip resistance:
- Dry: 55
- Wet: 12
- Wear resistance: 20,6 mm
- Thermal resistance:
- Mass loss: 0,03 %
- Flexual Strength loss: 2,9 %
- Impact resistence: 4,89 J
- Chemical resistance: Classification: C4
- linear coefficient of thermal expansion: 19,80 10º / C
- Dimensional stability: Classification: A
Moh's hardness: 7
- Resistance to chemicals and stains:
- CH3COOH (10%v / v): Removed
- NaOH (5% m/m): Removed
- C2H5OH (70%v / v): Removed
- NaOCI (5%): Removed
- METHYLENE BLUE (!%mm): Removed
- NaCl (170g/l): Removed